For Doctors
How to refer to The Art of Vein Care
The Art of Vein Care has three locations including in Gregory Hills in Southwest Sydney, Wollongong and Orange. We have specialised vascular ultrasound services associated with the clinics in Gregory Hills and Wollongong.
Download a referral form for The Art of Vein Care here.
How to refer to the Southwest Vascular Laboratory and Illawarra Vascular Ultrasound
Our vascular laboratory technicians are specifically trained in vascular ultrasound. This ensures that the results are highly accurate and performed in a timely fashion and with minimum discomfort to your patient. All scans are reported by A/Prof David Huber who has a Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasound (Vascular).
Download a referral form for both the Southwest Vascular Laboratory and the Illawarra Vascular Ultrasound here.
Helpful Documents
Pelvic congestion consensus document
Lymphoedema diagnosis consensus guideline
UIP consensus in C0 and C1 patients
New guidelines for the diagnosis and management of venous thromboembolism
Helpful Websites
NICE varicose veins guidelines
Australasian Lymphology Association (lymphoedema)
Lipoedema Australia
Australasian College of Phlebology
RACGP synopsis of international guidelines for the treatment of varicose veins
Patient Information Sheets
Varicose veins circulation in the leg
Sclerotherapy (injection treatment)
Radiofrequency (thermal or heat ablation)
Glue ablation (medical glue)
Pelvic venous compression (May Thurner syndrome)
Iliac vein stenting
Pelvic congestion syndrome
Ovarian vein coiling (or embolisation)
Popliteal vein compression
Venous ulcers
Compression for venous disease (bandaging and stockings)
Travel thrombosis and management